Hollywood liberals, in partnership with the
national liberal intelligentsia, are determined to increase the spoils of
victory that they have ridden on for the last quarter century, and, now, they are trying to run up
the score by vanquishing the last remnants of social conservatism in America.
If Hollywood wins, America as we have known it since the Era of Theodore Roosevelt, or the Ragtime Era, will forever be lost, and once lost there will be no hope of return. In
this decade, we have reached the tipping point as the national liberal intelligentsia
is trying to turn America up side down, hamlet by hamlet, town by town, city by
city, and state by state until they capture all the hearts and minds.
they and Hollywood are funneling money into the campaign chest of Adam Smith,
hoping to keep out yet another small voice for traditional America, Mark
Greene's voice, from reaching the General Election for Congress in the 9th
Congressional District of Washington. They have almost finished the job of
turning America from a nation to a bazaar where hucksters and internationalists
can parade a "one-worlder" vision for other nations
to mock and sell off part by part, while citizens grasp for what economic crumbs
are left. Tradition lost, and forever lost if we
don't start electing the right government.
[Originally posted on Reliability on 7/4/14; updated and revised on 7/5/14.]
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