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If suddenly someone, today, had awakened from a Rip Van Winkel-type sleep since Election Eve, 2008, and all the news reports that they were shown since then had just said "President" with no name, they might think that somehow some election controversy had developed, and the gangster George W. Bush managed to finagle an extra-constitutional third term. Despite that the so-called peace and change candidate won the '08 election, Obama's America is just as addicted to meddling into the affairs of other countries as ever; for instance, trying to dictate which parties in Egypt can contest for Prime Minister or not. This is definitely not the early 20th century State Department of the non-imperialist former secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan. This is now Hillary's State Department, which even steals or trys to steal the credit card numbers of the Secretary General of the United Nations, and other officials from foreign countries. Then there is the robotic warfare called drones that is developing rapidly in this administration in which somebody can push a button on one continent and kill somebody on another continent, and like the atomic bombs of 1945 doesn't discriminate between civilian and combatant. Nor do they discriminate between innocent or terrorist. Now, these drones are being developed worldwide, and almost everybody, meaning countries, wants them. Did we mention that Obama started a war all on his own, the Libyan intervention, in defiance of the Constitution and the War Powers Act. Obama is grudgingly pulling the troops out of Iraq, although he has no coherent plan for getting out of the Afghanistan/Pakistan morass. Nor for getting out of Middle East machinations, not that he necessarily wants to.

Regarding civil liberties, the constitutional scholar, Obama, has no respect for the Bill of Rights, even setting a precedent by ordering the killing, reportedly, of a non-combatant U.S. citizen just on his say-so, without any due process rights accorded whatsoever. This is not about what kind of person the executed person was, this is about whether constitutional law will be respected or not. Moreover, except for torture, Obama hasn't tried one lick to roll back any of Bush's wholesale violations of civil liberties, but has in some cases even expanded the violations, not the least of all the invasions of privacy of U.S. citizens without probable cause. If it passes Congress, Obama will also probably sign the fascist Levin-McCain bill currently being considered, quasi-secretly, in Congress. This bill basically sets up a military dictatorship in America in which citizens can be hauled off to secret detention gulags without any judicial process whatsoever.

And to think that the political establishment was talking so badly about Khrushchev's & Brezhnev's Russia back in the third quarter of the 20th Century; but now the new order is apparently envious and grasping the opportunity for emulation, but to tell you the truth, Khrushchev & Brezhnev were probably more "liberal" than Bush II & Obama. Also, Bush II & Obama's new airport backscatter scanners are hazardous to the public's health and our civil liberties. These scanners, of a different essence than the previous ones, were never tested efficiently for health effects before they were put in, but there's been a lot of scientific skepticism about them, because of the probable much increased carcinogenic effects. Now, Obama's administration has hundreds or thousands of them on order to be put in airports across the land. Moreover, Obama's homeland security department is apparently involved in trying to knock out the relatively peaceful "Occupy" protests across America as a reported conference call discussing that, between mayors of America (among probable others), was admitted to by Oakland's odious mayor, Jean Quan.

Obama's domestic policies are pretty much odious. We never thought that less than 80 years after FDR's New Deal, a Democratic Party president would actually put Social Security on the table for cutbacks, and reportedly, and most astoundingly, on his own initiative. Obama set the bar by allowing Bush's tax cuts for the rich to be extended, and allowing essential Social Security funding to be slashed by one-third. Obama plays a lot of footsy with laissez faire economic policy Republicans, also called Tea Party Republicans, who would like nothing better than to decimate the New Deal and the Great Society programs if they got the chance.

Perhaps, the worst thing that may result from the hypocrisy of Barack Obama's 2008 campaign and his actual "change" regime is that the disillusionment of the politically jilted that supported him could well be the perfect set-up for some fascist like Newt Gingrich to take up residence in the White House come 2013. In other words, from the frying pan into the fire.

[Revised on 12/2/11; and on 12/9/11, a spelling error was corrected.]

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